Understanding Pawn Endgames by Valentin Bogdanov, Gambit 2022

Understanding the endgame is fundamental to playing good chess, and at its heart lie positions where just kings and pawns remain on the board. Even when a pawn ending is not actually reached, the players must often assess ones that could arise from an exchange of pieces. And an error calculating a pawn ending is normally fatal.

Questions of pawn-structure, and thus decisions made early in the game, can be fully understood only when we appreciate how they impact the possible pawn endings.

This book takes a practical angle, so is the perfect complement to Secrets of Pawn Endings, which examines their theory in detail. Experienced trainer Bogdanov examines a wealth of pawn endings where strong players made significant errors, and draws lessons and rules of thumb from them. While we are enjoying the entertaining material in this book, we are painlessly absorbing endgame principles and improving our intuitive decision-making skills. We learn how to calculate and identify key positional elements, and appreciate the beautiful tactics and paradoxical ideas that are unique to the world of pawns.

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The Human Factor in Chess

GM Karsten Mueller shouldn’t need a presentation, he is likely the GM who has written more books about the endgame in chess history! He publishes regularly on Chessbase Magazine a column on chess endgames which is simply fantastic, and big like a book, since he presents something like 50 different endgames every 2 months. I

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Akiba Rubinstein: Master of the Endgame by Cyrus Lakdawala

Rubinstein, like Pillsbury before him, was a player who may have been world champion if only hehad a shot at the title. In 1912, I believe he was the strongest player in the world. Contrary to popular opinion, a dove’s world is not more mundane than a hawk’s. It is merely more subtle. Rubinstein’s strategic

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