This new book on Fischer’s games is a collection of what GM Mueller considers the most instructive games played by Fischer. Thanks to new powerful engines the games have been checked and some errors were discovered in previous analyses.

The publisher in my opinion well understand the new young chess players, thanks to the relationship between paper and technology. Many of the new books written by GM Mueller have QR codes. This book has them too, allowing any reader also without a chess board to follow the games on a phone or tablet.

This new work by Mueller contains 16 of the games Fischer included in his famous book (60 memorable games),

The book has many pictures of Fischer and some of his rivals of that time, giving a face to some players one might not have seen, and would not be able to recognize.

Reading this new book, one can gain an idea of Fischer’s greatness at the board. Especially for those who have not seen previous books on him and his games. Inside the book there are some blank pages which can be very useful for writing comments on some games. I often find myself asking myself some questions on why some moves were not played, and to have a blank page can be quite useful.
60 is not a huge number, and is the base of many of our daily measures, like 60 seconds, 60 minutes… etc. If one applies this idea to just read one game a day, this book could be finished in 2 months.
This number of games could also be good to learn chess. Many master level chess players often advice their students to study classical games to improve. Fischer’s games must be considered classics, and an important milestones in the development of the game.
What I noticed on the analyses of the games is that the author satisfy some curiosity one can have where the game went really wrong, compared to previous analyses. This work of synthesis based on the author knowing previous chess literature which annotated those games, and his new findings, make the book a worthy addendum to everyone’s chess library.
The book begins with an index of the games presented, which helps the reader to find games he could be interested right away.

From the publisher’s site, one can read the following description:
There is probably no other player who has changed the chess world in so many areas and so radically – like Robert James Fischer, for whom the name Bobby Fischer has become common among chess players worldwide.
Of his spectacular successes, his downright declassifying victories against three Soviet grandmasters in the early 1970s are particularly noteworthy – a kind of changing of the guard in the fight for the world title, to which the Soviets had subscribed, so to speak, for more than two decades. This triggered a worldwide chess boom, or more precisely: it triggered a chess boom especially in the western world, because in the Soviet Union with millions of club players such a boom was apparently hardly necessary.
Many players of all levels were drawn to the royal game specifically because of the events of that time. Fischer’s games are legendary, and since they have of course already been extensively analyzed and commented on in a number of works, the question arises: What is another book supposed to achieve anyway?
German grandmaster Karsten Müller has selected what he considers to be
Fischer’s 60 most instructive games and checked them with various newer engines. Although he noticed numerous errors in the old analyses, Bobby’s games still shine in their former glory or even brighter. Since even top programs rarely find errors, every reader can learn more than ever from these games in order to improve their own playing strength in a success-oriented manner.
In addition to the numerous photos, it’s above all the quotations contained in many games that take the reader back to the ‘old days of chess’. Therefore, even younger players can get a good impression of what the chess world was like when, for example, there were still ‘adjourned games’ and ‘sealed moves’ – and when no player could dodge the hard analysis work by simply delegating this tedious task to his computer.
This is the website link for those interested in the book:https://www.schachversand-ullrich.de/literatur/partiensammlungen-und-turniere/in-englischer-sprache/4476/mueller-bobby-fischer-60-best-games
I wish everyone a happy reading!